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2024-08-09 21:40:02 0

never returned to the train station, but hachiko still faithfully waiting for him忠犬八公的故事改编自1935年发生在日本的真实故事,1987年拍成日本电影,由仲代达矢主演,该片当年曾在日本引起轰动2009年12月,该片的美国版本上映,由导演莱塞#8226霍尔斯道姆执导 电影的原型为1924年。

tells us insist, loyalty, we should learn from it八公是一条非常忠实的狗它与主人有很好的关系主人死了,它天天蹲在火车站前面,等待他的归来虽然他知道主人不可能回来了,但它仍然不离不弃,忠实地守候他,即使他已经飞到天上它告诉我们坚持,忠诚,我们应该从中吸取教训。

Finally she decided to accept the dog as a part of the familyThey called it quot HachiquotGradually Hachi grew up from a puppy into a bigger oneEvery day ,Hachi accompanied Parker to go to the station on timeAt 500 in the dusk,it punctually appeared at the station exit。

忠犬八公的故事英文剧情简介如下Parke is a university professor, a day he to pass by at the train station, encountered a lost Akita dog, it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate, so the professor put the dog back home, even though his wife。

Different from other films, this film conveys a hope that the audience is no longer in a desperate grief and memory翻译纵观影片,导演用了些心思将开篇以倒叙的方式通过小孩讲故事引出八公这个角色,描述了美国祖父与日本幼犬的异国之情,其中也穿插了帕克教授一家的幸福甜蜜,帕克教授与朋友。
